Agenda 02/03/2021


Asselby Parish Council

Clerk:- Mrs. S.A. Oates. East End Farm. Asselby. Goole.

East Riding of Yorkshire. DN14 7HB

Tel:- 01757638396 E-mail:-


Dear Councillor,

You are requested to attend the next parish council meeting which will be held on Tuesday 2nd March 2021 at 7.30pm by Zoom.


1. Apologies for absence and minutes of the last meeting.

2. To note a Declaration of Interest by a member on any of the following issues.



a. Defibrillator – Checks.

b. Potholes.

c. Knedlington Crossroads/Support from Howden Town Council and Barmby Parish Council.

d. Section 137 – Support of parish organisations.

e. ERYC – Confirmation of Precept



a. HSBC – Bank Statements.

b. Tesco – Inkjets.

c. Clerks Internet/Phone expenses to 31/03/2021.



a. Proposed erection of ground floor, first floor and two storey extentions (revised scheme of 20/03093/PLF) land and building east of Chestnut Bungalow, Main Street, Asselby for Mr. J. McFaul 20/04319/PLF – Comments sent.

b. Increase in roof height of main dwelling to form a dual-pitched roof to create additional living accommodation, erection of a single storey extension to rear and storm porch to front at Rose Cottage, Main Street, Asselby for Mr. Jack Binns 21/00307/PLF – Comments sent.

c. ERYC Planning Enforcement Officer – Notification of planning application to discharge conditions part of approved erection of a detached dwelling and detached double garage following demolition of existing garage at land north of Street View, Main Street, Asselby for Mr. D. Smith. 18/01607/PLF.

d. Notice of Appeal against refusal of Erection of two detached dwellings and a detached garage following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings at Sheken, Main Street, Asselby for Mr. & Mrs. M. Perry (20/01850/PLF) – Appeal Reference 21/00006/REFUSE.



a. Community Alert Network (Humberside Police) - Agreed by members to be part of group.

- Covid Scam.

- Newsletters/E-Bulletin. -

Online Wildlife Talk.



- Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill.

- Planning Training.

- NALC Coronavirus Updates. 

- Desktop Advisory Service.

- Cemetery Management and Compliance Training.

- Model Design Code.

- Right to Regenerate – Consultation.

c. ERYC – Jim McGivern, Parish & Area Liaison Team Leader – Taskforce and Enforcement. Phone call to Clerk re Parish Taskforce Walkabout.

- Lockdown Regulations and AGM/Annual Parish Meeting.

- Avian Influenza.

- Code of Conduct Training.

- Consultation on a Draft Flood Risk Supplementary Planning Document.

- Rural Taskforce.

- Census.

- Covid – Survey.

- Devolution Proposals.

d. Northern Powergrid.

e. HM Land Registry.

f. David Nolan – Survey on creation of Joint Mayor for a Hull and East Riding Combined Authority and further correspondence from ERYC.

g. Web Family –

h. Northern Gas Stakeholder Engagement Survey.

i. Idox Group – Webinars for Funding/Grants.

j. Clerks & Councils Direct.

k. National Grid – Scotland to England Green link project (SEGL2), Peterhead to Drax.



a. Flooding – Back Lane and Main Road between Asselby and Knedlington.

b. Dog Fouling – Open message on Asselby Talking and Responses to comments from residents.

c. Date for next meeting – AGM & Annual Parish.


S. A. OATES – 22nd February 2021